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What Are The Symptoms, Treatment, and Management for Sciatica Nerve Pain?

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Back pain is frustrating, annoying, and in some cases, unbearable. It can result from any number of things, but most back problems originate from the spine. If one of the fleshy discs in your spine slips out of place and results in a herniated disc, it could cause some major irritation for the surrounding nerves.

There's a nerve that's rooted in your lower back. It runs through your hips, buttocks, legs, and feet. It's known as the sciatic nerve, and it's the longest one in your body. Most of the pain you feel in your lower back tends to originate from your sciatic nerve, which is easily irritated by herniated discs. People between the ages of 30 and 50 tend to suffer from this the most.


Any pain in your lower back could be linked to sciatica nerve pain. Especially if the pain originates from your lower spine and spreads down to your buttock. It'll also be around your legs and behind your knees. The pain could be anything from a minor ache to a sharp jolt. The pain could either be acute or chronic, meaning that it's either short-lived, or it lasts for a while. Your legs and feet might also feel numb, tingly, or weak. Since the sciatic nerve is so large, it affects most of your lower body.


Even if it hurts, sciatica usually won't require immediate surgery. Any of the following are effective ways to treat the pain:

  • Staying active. When you have sciatica nerve pain, the worst you could do is remain still. You'll reduce the inflammation if you remain in motion.
  • Hot and cold packs. Place some cold packs on your back for a few minutes. Repeat this for a few days. If the pain didn't persist, switch to a hot pack.
  • Medication. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen are effective. If they don't work, it'll be time to seek professional help.

What a Pain Specialist Can Do

If your sciatica nerve pain persists for any longer than a week or two, you should see a doctor. They'll probably diagnose sciatica and recommend you to a pain specialist. Most specialists will suggest injecting steroids to reduce inflammation. Unfortunately, the relief from this is often temporary. You'll need a specialist who will commit to a long-term plan if your sciatica lasts for several months.

Call The Pain Center to See a Pain Specialist

Have you or someone you love been suffering with the symptoms of sciatica nerve pain which is severe and not relieved through over-the-counter medicines? If you’re looking for expert care to help reduce, relieve and improve your overall quality of life, then make an appointment for a consultation with our pain specialists at The Pain Center. Our pain specialists undergo extensive training to understand the root cause of acute and chronic pain and treat it accordingly. We will work with you to suggest the best treatment options for your condition. Dr. Sandra Thompson has 28+ years of experience and is an expert in managing chronic pain for back, neck and body.


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Our entire practice revolves around helping patients feel better. Pain is a fact of life, until it interferes with the joys of living. Sandra Thompson, MD and The Pain Center have innovative and comprehensive solutions to all forms of discomfort.

All insurances accepted.

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Boise Fax: (208) 342-4223
Caldwell Phone: (208) 342-9800
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Caldwell: 1825 S Kimball Ave, Caldwell, ID 83605


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Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: Closed


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Premier back pain treatments that will help reduce, relieve and improve your overall quality of life. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of service and results.