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Recovery Can Be Faster Under a Pain Specialist

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Recovery Can Be Faster Under a Pain Specialist

A pain specialist is someone who has achieved a comprehensive understanding of the physiological sources of pain through research in multiple medical disciplines. Their profession focuses on diagnosing and managing symptoms of chronic pain in patients. Due to the specificity of a pain specialist's work they partake in more targeted studies and education than most primary care physicians.


Who Can Benefit from a Pain Specialist?

The most common reasons patients are referred to pain specialists involve ongoing neck or back pain. However, anyone who is suffering from chronic pains, from people with nagging minor afflictions to those suffering to the extent of emotional distress or a physical inability to function, can benefit from the services of a pain specialist. Their comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach is of great service to individuals who need to be able to control and manage their pain to regain their ability to enjoy their daily lives.


What Do Pain Specialists Do?

Pain specialists put together pain management plans based on each individual's reasons for needing one. They are not restricted to people who have just had surgery or those who have been living with undiagnosed chronic pain for several years and are able to address the needs of both. Pain management plans can be a combination of physical therapy, alternative medicines, and psychological assistance depending on the source of the pain. A pain specialist's goal is to reduce patients' dependence on drugs and painkillers while diminishing or eliminating the chronic pain itself. Their focus is on long-term health, as opposed to short-term prescription remedies.


For individuals who have had surgery, regardless of the timeframe, pain specialists are proficient in helping people regain their mobility. Physical activity can help people heal faster. An individualized pain management plan is able to assist people in readjusting to their bodies in a controlled environment. Recovery comes with an array of difficulties, both physical and psychological. Pain specialists are uniquely educated to address both within a single, consistent program.


Click HERE to contact the Pain Center and schedule an appointment to discuss strategy for faster recovery!


Pain Management Idaho | Boise Pain Center 


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Our entire practice revolves around helping patients feel better. Pain is a fact of life, until it interferes with the joys of living. Sandra Thompson, MD and The Pain Center have innovative and comprehensive solutions to all forms of discomfort.

All insurances accepted.

Phone Number:

Boise Phone: (208) 342-9800
Boise Fax: (208) 342-4223
Caldwell Phone: (208) 342-9800
Caldwell Fax: (208) 455-5190


Email Us:



Boise: 633 N. 4th St. Boise, ID 83702
Caldwell: 1825 S Kimball Ave, Caldwell, ID 83605


Monday: 8am - 5pm
Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: Closed


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Premier back pain treatments that will help reduce, relieve and improve your overall quality of life. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of service and results.